Aggregates & Materials Testing
1- Sieve analysis (gradation)
2- Specific gravity
3- Water absorption
4- Los Angeles abrasion
5- Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
6- Soundness (MgSO4 or Na2SO4)
7- Clay lumps & friable particles
8- Flakiness Index
9- Elongation Index
10-Sand Equivalent
11-Ten Percent fines
12-Bulk density, voids & bulking
13-Sand compaction factor
14-Chert content of coarse aggregate
15-Lightweight pieces in coarse aggregate
16-Fineness modulus of sand for concrete
17-Sulphate Content in coarse & fine aggregates
18-Chloride Content in coarse & fine aggregate
Note: HCL is ready to arrange for the carrying out of any other tests not mentioned in the above list.