HCL Staff

Highly qualified and experienced engineers and laboratory technicians are involved in field and laboratory activities of Hijjawi Construction Labs. The following table shows the permanent members of HCL’s technical team:

Name Position Qualification Years of Experience
Sami A. Hijjawi General Manager – Geotechnical & Pavement Engineer Ph.D. (Civil Eng.) 37
Fares S. Hijjawi Deputy General Manager- Geotechnical & Material Engineer M.Sc (Civil Eng.) 8
Rawand Z. Khilfeh Structural & Material Engineer B.Sc (Civil Eng.) 14
Ghassan Bzour Senior Laboratory Technician

(Technical supervisor)

(Civil Eng.) 24
Maher O. Jabr Administration Manager Project Management & Computer Programming 24
Ahmad Sama’neh Management Representative for Quality (MRQ) B.A (Business Administration) 18
Nael Sawafta Senior Lab. Technician Diploma (Civil Eng.) 23
Nidal Masoud Lab. Technician Training in field testing 16
Mohamad Tayseer Lab. Technician 15
Moath Al Khateeb Lab. Technician 8
Mahmoud Abu Dayyeh Assistant Lab. Technician 12
Mustafa M. Sawafta Assistant Lab. Technician 13
Adnan Al Hneini Senior driller – sampling officer 19 years experience in drilling and soil sampling
Abdulsalam Hneini Assistant Driller 15